Flovac Applications

Flovac is involved in a wide range of projects, including brownfield projects, where we retrofit or upgrade infrastructure in existing developments. This includes septic to sewer programs and infrastructure improvement projects; greenfield projects, where we implement systems in new developments; marina and port precincts, where vacuum sewers offer an environmentally sound solution for waterfront areas; resorts, where their flexibility and efficiency make them ideal for handling varying loads and protecting sensitive environments; and deployable systems, which provide rapid, temporary, or staged solutions for military camps, mobile hospital units, sporting events, and phased developments in greenfield projects. Take a look at Flovac’s applications below.

Septic Tank Replacement Schemes

vacuum sewers are installed in areas which would be too difficult to sewer in any other way including houses built on jetties above the water.

Septic Tank Replacement Schemes

A high percentage of vacuum sewer installations around the world are in towns or communities that are mandated to convert from a septic tank system to a conventional sewer system.

Environmental factors are the main reason for conversions, as septic tanks, although fine for small remote locations, are not acceptable once the town grows and the space required for a drainage field no longer exists. Many vacuum systems are also installed in areas where gravity sewers have failed or combined sewer systems are being phased out.

The choice for most communities converting from septic tanks is either a vacuum sewer, a low pressure sewer, a gravity sewer, or a combination of all three.

The geographic area, water table, environmental considerations or power supply will usually dictate what system is installed. Grinder pumps are more able to handle large changes in elevation or very low density rural areas but become a much more expensive option when looking at clusters of more than 50-100 houses, or where power supply is unstable.

Residential and Private Developments

Vacuum sewers are installed in areas with a high water table. This reduces the speed of installation and trenching costs

Residential Private Developments, Golf Course Developments, Resorts, Canal Developments

Vacuum Sewerage technology is being used by developers around the world. Many areas that were once thought too difficult or expensive to sewer are now taking advantage of this technology to provide a sustainable solution at a lower cost than any alternative.

Vacuum sewerage systems almost always cost less to install and less to maintain than traditional gravity systems, and certainly less than pressurized systems with grinder pumps.

A single vacuum pump station will usually be sufficient to support an entire project and can handle high flow projects that include apartment buildings, hotels, restaurants and marinas.


  • Easy development staging of infrastructure builds.
  • Fast installation time.
  • Ease of installation
  • Low impact on existing residents during installation. Fast installation in acid-sulphate soil affected areas. Lowest cost choice of solution.
  • No easement required on the homeowner or property. Flexible for growing communities.
  • Proven technology.
  • Low maintenance costs.
  • Real time monitoring.
  • Global support and spare parts.
  • Resilient during flooding and power outages. Best solution in hurricane and storm prone areas.
  • Low impact on existing residents during installation. Fast installation in acid-sulphate soil affected areas. Lowest cost choice of solution.

See how versatile Flovac is for Residential Developments.
view case study

Marina and Port Precincts

Vacuum sewers are used at many large marinas and ports to handle the wastewater and bilge water off the boast as well the hotels, offices and restaurants

Marina and Port Precincts

Vacuum sewerage systems are ideal for use in Marina’s and Port’s particularly large facilities.

The Flovac system can capture sewage and bilge water from the boats and from restaurants, hotels and commercial buildings around the marina complex.

Vacuum systems can handle either small or luxury boats, larger commercial vessels, or ferries. An easy coupling attached to a flexible hose can be attached to the vessel’s sewage holding tank.

The manual or automatic on/off switch can also be timer controlled, coin or card operated or remotely electrically controlled. Larger boats can pump out into a collection pit connected to sufficient Flovac valves to handle the volume.

The entire network can be managed by IOT devices which reduces the flows at critical periods.

Deployable Systems

Deployable vacuum systems used in temporary camp facility. vacuum mains laid above ground

Deployable Systems

Flovac’s Deployable Vacuum Sewerage Systems are ideal for temporary accommodation such as camps for emergency, worker, mining, military or refugee accommodation, which need to transport sewage from ablution blocks, kitchens and laundries.

The installation of pipework can be time consuming, expensive and be damaging. Our advantage is that the Flovac pipework can be laid on top of the ground.

What’s more, Flovac’s deployable vacuum system can be deployed to site and established within 24 hours. Upon redeployment can be packed and ready for transport within 24 hours, leaving the site as you found it.

Flovac’s Deployable Vacuum Sewerage Systems are ideal for:

• Mining camps and Fly Camps
• Refugee and Emergency Centres (incl Covid-19 Hospitals)
• Event Infrastructure
• Military Camps
• Staging of Residential Developments

IOT Wastewater Solutions

Wireless monitoring can inform operators of the status of their vacuum sewerage systems

IOT Wastewater Solutions

Flovac is at the forefront of creating solutions for clients to be able to manage their wastewater assets with the latest in IOT technology.

Flovac has both wired and wireless solutions to able clients understand exactly what is happening in their systems with predictive analysis and troubleshooting.

Flovacs global operations group can assist clients with their asset support program by checking data from the monitoring systems and give advice related to potential infiltration events, wearing of parts and energy efficiency.

Our systems not only pick up what’s going on at the pump station, at each collection pit, groundwater, rainfall but also other council assets from pump systems, storm water interceptors, lift stations and water meters.

Contact your Flovac office to discuss whether your project is suitable for a Flovac system. Our engineers will deliver you a free concept design and some cost ideas for your project. The main information that will be required is location, flow rates, discharge location, ultimate catchment area and any staging that will be required. A deployable temporary solution might be helpful in any staging.

Vacuum sewers are ideal for residential communities with difficult ground conditions