Project Overview
New Zealand’s second-most populous city, Christchurch sits on an active seismic fault and in 2011 the city made headlines around the world when it was hit by a major earthquake, which caused widespread damage and killed almost 200 people.
One of the major issues that can arise in the event of an earthquake is that pipes break, spewing sewerage onto family lawns and into environmentally sensitive areas. Given the ongoing threat of seismic activity, Ngai Tahu Property wanted a system for its new Prestons Park residential development that was safe and resilient.
It was clear that traditional gravity sewers would not meet the needs of a city that was prone to earthquakes. After extensive research in Japan on the effects of their sewer networks after earthquakes, it was found that vacuum sewerage systems, which are well used throughout Japan, would be the best technology for Christchurch.
Since the February 2011 quake, the Christchurch City Council has rezoned a large number of sections for housing and with the urgent need to house more than 10 000 displaced and homeless residents, new land subdivisions such as Prestons had to be urgently developed.