Why are ISO Standards Important

With the recent move to a new international production facility in The Netherlands, the first thing that General Manager Mr Leo Huijs had to set up was new ISO certification for the new facility.

ISO certification covers many aspects of our business and how we do the business.

ISO 9001 covers Quality and ensures that Flovac is set up to produce and deliver products to our clients in such as way as to ensure we will have every aspect of production and logistics set up to always deliver defect free product.

Our whole research and development process gets reflected within this, knowing that nothing can compromise the great efforts done by the staff in production to meet these quality standards are kept.

ISO 45001 covers our workers, to ensure that they work in a safe environment. Flovac has operated in conjunction with a sheltered workshop, working with disabled workers and so it has been upmost in Leo’s mind to make sure that all of our work processes are safe. Although the intent of ISO:45001 is in protecting our workers at the production facility we are also very mindful of the workers in the field.

Not just our own operators but our clients as well. Much thought is given to the design of our vacuum pump stations, our collection pits, our vacuum valves and our monitoring systems to ensure that at the front of our mind is the expectation that everything that we design and produce will provide a safe environment for all operators of vacuum sewerage systems.

The production facility also gets a number of visitors each year for training and education. This also includes a number of school children, coming to learn about where poop goes.

ISO 14000 is a family of standards related to environmental management that exists to help organizations minimize how their operations negatively affect the environment; comply with applicable laws, regulations, and other environmentally oriented requirements; and continually improve.

As Flovac is an environmental company and brands itself as the “Green Future of Sewerage Collection” the ISO 14001 was a very important standard for us to follow at a production level. We continually look for ways to improve our interaction and engagement with the environment.