Key Largo using monitoring for hurricane preparedness

Key Largo, Florida to Install Large Scale Telemetry Monitoring System in its Sanitary Collection System

Installation of FLOVAC Americas radio-telemetry system technology to help prevent SSOs and warn collection system’s operations of potential issues to begin.

Flovac has been contracted by the Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District to install its wireless monitoring system (FMS). The project is partially funded thru a grant from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

The driver of the project to assist the Key Largo’s sanitation system cope when hurricanes and large storms hit the Florida Keys. The monitoring technology is to provide the district with real-time alerts of system issues as a means of mitigating SSOs. The installation is expected to take approximately two years to complete and will utilize a basin-by-basin approach to make such a large-scale project manageable. The monitoring technology will be deployed throughout the district’s vacuum collection system, grinder pump collection systems and force mains. This includes nearly 3,000 collection pits.

Once online, the system will monitor levels and pressures continuously and if changes outside normal operating conditions are detected, alerts will be sent to the district’s staff through Gateway transmission. Changes to the system can be made remotely and this will give operations crews time to conduct a field response to address issues such as low pressure, high flow, or other system failures.

Key Largo’s vacuum sewer pits resemble manholes seen in traditional gravity sewer systems and the monitoring devices will be installed inside of the existing pits/pedestals and so will be hidden and undetectable by residents and will not impact the appearance of neighborhoods.

“We are excited to be working with Key Largo and incorporating our technology into their existing infrastructure. Similar implementations have provided our clients with the ability to see what is happening in their systems in real-time and get ahead of issues before they occur and we look forward to delivering those same benefits and operational cost savings to Key Largo,” shares Michael Pringle, Director of Operations at FLOVAC Americas.

For more information about Flovacs Wireless Monitoring Read Here

Key Largo, Hurricane Irma Devastation. photo by Contessa Brewer CNBC

The Most Difficult Install Ever, Eretrea Greece

The city of Eretrea in Greece, one of the best known Archaeological sites in the world, has had a much needed upgrade. A Flovac vacuum system has been installed to replace old septic tanks that still serviced the houses in the town.

Two vacuum pump stations were required, as well as 414 collection pits, a cable monitoring system and 28,000 meters of pipework including the house connections. A
vacuum system was chosen due to the difficult ground conditions and the flexibility that the pipework allowed for. A gravity pipe system would require deep trenching and straight lengths of pipe.  Vacuum mains can be installed with full flexibility and can be rerouted around difficult areas.

Difficult Installation

The city was an important city in Ancient Greece beginning at the time of the Bronze Age in the 8th century BC and was a seat of trade,  commerce and education. As the site is still under archaeological excavation it is still common to find artifacts while digging into the ground. We often found evidence of graves, walls, bronze artifacts and perfume bottles. Some more than 2,000 years old. At all times during excavation we were accompanied by two archaeologists and no excavation could take place without them. Once something was found, we would have to stop pipelaying and wait until drawings were done. Permission would then needed be granted from the Central Archaeological Institute to continue, which often took a long time.

We also needed to deal with a water table at 60-70 cm (24 inches). You would think that this close to the sea that it would be salt water but no, it was clear sweet fresh water. At 90 cm (36 inches) there is a hard crust which when perforated allowed salt water to ingress.

A very difficult but a very rewarding project.