Wet Wipes Blocking Sewers? Not in Vacuum Sewers

As we all know homeowners will put almost anything down their sewer line. Phones, balls, plastic, pegs, cups and the bane of sewer operators around the world, WET WIPES.

Flovac recently created a new video showing what items can go through the Flovac vacuum valve. We asked operators around the world to suggest items that had been causing them problems in their gravity sewers and in their low pressure pumping systems. Operators have learnt that putting a sign above someones toilet listing what not to flush unfortunately becomes more of a challenge for many people with a broad range of items ending up in the sewer causing blockages and potentially damage to pumps.


In more recent times the biggest problems in sewers have been caused by wet wipes and fatbergs. With both products it has been widely reported that there has been no evidence of damage or failure in a vacuum system.

The valve standards in many countries including Australia and Europe demand that the vacuum valve can handle a number of items like plastic bags, nappies, condoms and sanitary pads. Operators also suggested cigarette packets, phones and golf balls.

We have posted the video onto the front page of the Flovac web page.


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