Grand Case St Martin Caribbean

When Hurricane Irma wreaked havoc through the Caribbean Islands in 2017 leaving a trail of destruction, it was clear that many towns would need to be completely rebuild many of their buildings but also their water and sewage infrastructure.

Having already been engaged in other Caribbean countries to install Flovac vacuum sewerage systems the engineers in Grand Case on Saint Martin approached Flovac to see if a vacuum sewerage system would be the best technology for the island.

This area is very flat and has a high water table, which meant that you could not dig more than one meter without finding salt water that would damage a system using gravity piping networks. Until now Grand Case had a network based on septic tanks that was not adequate. After the damage caused by Hurricane Irma, Saint Martin needed urgent repairs and a new, more efficient sanitation system. Work began in Grand Case (Saint Martin)  towards the end of 2019 and it was clear that a vacuum sewerage system was essential in the area.

Shallow Vacuum Main Installation

Often working in narrow streets with other cables and pipes already installed it was clear that a vacuum system was the only system that could be installed with the least amount of impact on the local community. The people of Saint Martin were also very happy to hear that there would be no odors from the system as well as no potential of sewer leaks from the pipes.

As the region had experienced more major storms and hurricanes in recent years it was also important that the system was resilient and would still operate during extended power outages.

Being a remote community with little experience with vacuum sewer technology the local managers and operators were very happy that Flovac installed a monitoring system throughout the network that could be watched and supported by the Flovac operations group in Europe. If there is ever a low vacuum or breakdown, Flovac’s experienced operators could assist.

The main design and installation was handled by Flovac’s project group based out of Barcelona as they had recently installed a system nearby in Canouan. This group, headed by Bruno Galindo and Francisco Rodríguez  is now supporting Saint Martin’s operators.

Grand Case St Martin

Hilton Salwa Beach Resort Qatar

The Hilton Salwa Resort is designed to become one of the largest resorts and residential projects in Qatar. Utilizing a Flovac vacuum sewer system the resort is constructed on 257 acres of land in the Salwa area. The beach resort and villas is a massive project that includes a water park, marina, dive center, cinemas, pools, a health club, spa and a considerable retail space. In addition to the rooms and suites in the main hotel building, the resort will also include two small “villages” of family villas.

Flovac was asked to design and supply a vacuum system that would be able to handle the high flows that will ultimately be handled by the Resort. The vacuum system needed to facilitate not only the hotel but also residential areas, restaurants and the marina. The client was aware of the good work which Flovac had done at Reef Island in Bahrain and was particularly impressed with the monitoring system that had been installed. The monitoring allows operators to see exactly what was happening anywhere in the network including the operation of the vacuum pump station. Mr Willem Gooren one of the founders of Flovac managed the project and was based in the Middle East for extensive periods during the projects establishment and finalization.

Smart and Safe Installation

In sandy soils, especially areas where there is a high water table vacuum systems are ideal as all of the pipework is installed at a shallow depth in the ground. A stepped profile within the pipeline design allows for some utilization of gravity while keeping the pipe shallow. Installation of vacuum mains is a lot faster than the installation of gravity sewers as there is less requirement to de-water or pre-load the land. HDPE pipe is used often when installing in hot climates and where soil conditions are unstable.

Leak Proof

The use of a Flovac system was also important to ensure that there would be no potential leaks from the system. As all vacuum pipework is under a negative pressure sewage cannot leak from the pipe in the event of a break.

The Vacuum Pump Station is one of the largest stations in the world. Housed in a dry and air conditioned environment the two large collection tanks are connected to five large Busch Mink MM 1202 vacuum pumps. Flovac has used Mink pumps since before 2005 and so has great experience in the correct set up to maximize the ability to handle the large flows required in this project.

Prestons Christchurch New Zealand

The Flovac Vacuum Pump Station was installed in 2015 to service the Prestons residential development in Marshlands Christchurch and has continued to grow with house sales in the area ahead of schedule.

Every effort has been made by the developer Ngai Tahu to ensure that this medium priced housing development for 8,000 residents is world class.

Environmentally Sensitive Development at Prestons

Right next to the vacuum pump station, the Marshland School for children aged 5-13 has been completed. When Master Planning a vacuum sewer system it is always important to consider that any flows from schools will be interrupted during school holidays and weekends. So to ensure that plenty of air is entering the system, especially close to the station the system needs to be tuned correctly or have an automatic air inlet system that can be programmed to take the change into account.The vacuum sewerage system is the ideal technology for a development like this as it can be very flexible with new additions over time and is resilient to damage from earthquakes. Unlike low pressure pump systems, the only power requirement is at the vacuum pump station, so if an earthquake interrupts power supply the vacuum sewerage network at Prestons will continue to work as there is a back up generator located at the station.

Another resilient feature of the Flovac system is that if any of the vacuum mains break or rupture during an earthquake, the negative pressure in the pipe ensures that no sewage will leak out. A low pressure pump system operates on positive pressure, so if a pipeline breaks sewage will surcharge from the pipe into the surrounding area. In an environmentally sensitive area like Prestons, that could be a disaster.

Another benefit of the vacuum sewer system is its ability to handle high flows into the collection system. A large supermarket complex is being planned in the neighbourhood complete with a Foodstuffs supermarket, cafe’s and restaurants. Already built is a large BP service station which houses a cafe and a Jetwash. The Flovac system handles the commercial premises and can handle any flows from the car washing facility.

On the right side of the BP Jetwash you can see three of the Flovac pillars that house the air vents that are required to admit air into the vacuum sewer. These are connected to three separate valve pits which are served via a splitter to handle the high flows. The pillars will also house the wireless monitoring system that is being rolled out. The monitoring system will alert operators to any valve faults or potential overflows from the pit.

The operators looking after the system have been very happy with the operational benefits and have had very few callouts. As the operators have little to no contact with sewage and have no requirements to enter the property of the residents they see real benefits relative to how the low pressure pumps have performed. Many low pressure pumps are located on the property of the resident and any maintenance often leaves residual sewage on the lawns of the residents.

Flovac’s Role at the Americas Cup. Eco-Sustainable Sanitation in Barcelona

Barcelona is gearing up for the prestigious America’s Cup, the world’s foremost sailing competition, with Flovac playing a crucial role in ensuring eco-sustainability. Notably, four out of the six team bases in Barcelona will be equipped with Flovac’s advanced pneumatic sewerage network. This innovative system is designed for the efficient and eco-friendly evacuation of sewage and bilge water.

Flovac and the America’s Cup: A Sustainable Alliance

Flovac’s involvement in the America’s Cup, to be hosted next year in Barcelona’s port, highlights the company’s commitment to sustainable sanitation solutions. The cutting-edge pneumatic sewerage network, featuring vacuum valves, is recognized as the most energy-efficient sanitation system available today. It will serve four team bases, underlining Flovac’s dedication to environmental stewardship in major sporting events.

The competition will see five teams from the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Italy, the United States, and France vying to claim the iconic Hundred Guineas Cup from the current holders, New Zealand’s Emirates Team. The preliminary regattas, featuring the smaller AC40 boats, have already set the stage for next year’s climactic showdown in Barcelona.

The America’s Cup demands the highest standards, not just in sailing, but in all supporting infrastructure. Accordingly, Flovac has undertaken extensive modifications to its existing facilities at Marina Vela, Marina Barcelona 92, Marina Port Vell, and the Muelle Oriental. These upgrades ensure that the America’s Cup bases, all located in Barcelona’s Port Vell, receive top-tier sanitation services.

Marina Port Vell Barcelona

Flovac’s pneumatic vacuum valve system stands apart for its minimal energy consumption and airtight design, which effectively eliminates odors. Even in the unlikely event of a pipe burst, the system’s vacuum nature prevents spillage by drawing in outside air. This feature guarantees no environmental contamination, aligning with Flovac’s ethos of eco-sustainability and energy conservation.

International Experience

With a track record of successful projects in diverse locations like the Caribbean, the United States, Vietnam, and Australia, Flovac brings a wealth of international experience to the table. “We create bespoke projects tailored to the unique needs of each port,” says Bruno Galindo, Flovac’s Commercial Director. “Our system can be customized or entirely redesigned to meet specific requirements.”

The Flovac system addresses three key challenges with one solution: it efficiently manages wastewater evacuation from buildings, and also handles grey and bilge water from boats. As the America’s Cup teams begin to utilize Flovac’s vacuum systems, the event marks a significant stride in adopting eco-sustainable sanitation technologies in maritime facilities.

Automating air injection during tourism bursts

Vacuum sewer systems are highly resilient and adaptable, and the Water Corporation in Western Australia has shown how they have used technology in a clever way with the help of Flovac.

The Water Corp had a unique situation with one of their remote vacuum systems in the  town of Exmouth on Ningaloo Reef.

Regularly listed as one of the top 10 destinations in Australia, tourism pressures has led to increased flows in the town during peak tourism seasons.  In particular, this year saw the towns population increase from 3000 people to 30,000 people as it became the centre of a solar eclipse global event. This included a great video incorporating the 50th anniversary of Pink Floyds, Dark Side of the Moon 

Exmouth WA

How does any sewage system cope with massive variations in population? If you size it for peak, then sewage will not flow during the off peak periods. If there is a big increase in flow there could be overflows. Overflows in such a pristine location was not an option. Vacuum systems operate on a pressure differential which manages a complex mix of air and water. Systems are all designed for a specific air to liquid ratio. If there is too much air, then either you get very high energy costs with increased pump runs, or flows that don’t carry efficiently to the station. Too much liquid and there is a risk of overflows, or capacity issues at the rising main (force main) or treatment plant (discharge point).

Flovacs wireless monitoring system has a unique feature. The ability to alter the air to liquid ratios within the system. Programmed into the networks, different valves can be programmed to alter the mix to either increase or decrease the amount of air required along the vacuum main, changing the air liquid ratio. In dealing with seasonal issues, like Exmouth, or in areas that can get inundated by too much water via hurricanes or storm surges like Key Largo, Florida, the ability to change the air to liquid ratio becomes an important tool for managers and operators. It is fantastic that monitoring can identity infiltration, but it is essential that we give the operators the tools to handle the system when it occurs.

Rajiv Narendranathan

Last month Rajiv Narendranathan , from the Asset Management Team for the Water Corporation presented a paper at the AWA (Australian Water Association) conference in Darwin. The title was IMPROVED PERFORMANCE OF VACUUM SEWERS WITH PRESSURE MONITORING ALONG VACCUM MAINS AND PROGRAMMED AIR INJECTIION BASED ON PRESSURE TRENDS.

In his talk Rajiv said

Exmouth is approximately 1,100 Kms north of Perth and about 550Kms south-west of Karratha and the remoteness of this town makes it challenging to operate. Exmouth has a population of 2,500 people however as a tourist town the population can increase to about 6,000 people during peak holiday periods. The extreme variability in population results in unpredictable flow patterns which make the vacuum system in Exmouth near impossible to tune. Without appropriate levels of air being sucked into the system to cater for increased flows the vacuum lines are flooded and the pressures crash resulting in wastewater overflows.

Flovac AAI air injection success

The FLOVAC system monitors pressures along the Vacuum line in Exmouth and this improved visibility has enabled the system to be tuned to respond to variable flows from the catchment. The ability of this system to monitor pressures and inject air into the line appropriately has resulted in the air/liquid ratio being maintained during peak demand periods and maintain pressures throughout the vacuum line preventing wastewater overflows.


The project and rollout was a tremendous success and is being rolled out to numerous other projects in Western Australia. Flovac has used automated air injection systems at many projects around the world over the last twenty years. If you would like to learn more about setting up intelligent operations of your vacuum systems please let us know. Air Injection Systems

Protection of Polish Regions Water Source

The Polish city of Imielin is located in southern Poland beside the  Dziećkowice Reservoir, a beautiful man-made lake used by locals and tourists for a broad range of recreational activities, including sailing competitions, fishing, swimming and sunbathing on sandy beaches.

Dziećkowice Reservoir also supplies drinking water to Imielin and communities across the Silesia region. It is therefore vital that Imielin was served by an effective and reliable sewerage system offering the highest level of environmental protection.

The city also sits in a region that has been subject to extensive coal mining over many years, causing damage to the terrain, including subsidence. Between 2006-2019, Imielin implemented a comprehensive vacuum sewage system as part of a multi-phase construction process. A total of 60 km of vacuum lines were built and more than 1,000 vacuum valves installed. Flovac Polska was an integral partner in the project, supplying vacuum valves, vacuum station equipment and a propriety cable monitoring system.

“Operating any sewage system involves challenges, but the task is easier when you are working with a reliable partner like Flovac Polska sp. z.o.o. We know we can always count on the company’s help in terms of design, implementation and operation”.

Marek Jędrysik, President/CEO Miejska Spółka Komunalna

Why Flovac’s solution was chosen

Imielin is characterised by flat and mining-damaged terrain, as well as difficult ground-water conditions. Given these challenges, the city recognised that Flovac’s vacuum sewerage system offered a cost-effective solution, in part because it requires shallow trenches, which cuts construction costs and enables faster deployment.

Environmental protection was also a key factor because vacuum systems operate with negative pressure, ensuring no sewage can leak out (even in the event of a rupture). In addition, this means there are no overflows and rainfall cannot infiltrate

Finally, Flovac’s solution offered reliability and stability (with an inlet system designed to ensure air is always automatically entering the system), as well as easy monitoring and maintenance.

The monitoring of the vacuum system via a cable system (FMS) offers the client stable power and is a great alarm system for activations, pressure and potential failures. Flovac Polska has been a leading developer  in this type of monitoring and can save the client money through ease of operations and reduces risks to the community via fast alerts to the operators.

The results

Flovac’s technology has delivered outstanding reliability to the city and unrivalled protection to the Dziećkowice Reservoir. As a result, Imielin City Council remained fully committed to an investment and implementation process that continued over a 15-year period until completion in 2019.

Smaller scale expansions of the vacuum sewerage system will continue as the Imielin are continues to expand.

For a reprint of this article you can download it here 

Flovac’s vacuum sewerage system is not only suited to environmentally sensitive regions or challenging terrains. It offers tangible benefits to all manner of new and existing residential developments. For more information, please contact your local office.

New FLOVAC Project at the Port of Bilbao, Spain

We are very happy to announce that we have commenced the design and supply of the vacuum sewage system of the Port of Bilbao. The port has taken a big step towards modernizing its sanitation system with the selection of Flovac for phase I of the sanitation project “Muelles Santurtzi y espigón central”. This innovative solution, which addresses the challenges of an area with 40 discharge points and a high-water table, offers an efficient and sustainable alternative without the need for deep trenches. In addition, the system will be equipped with monitoring that will allow the status of the vacuum network to be monitored and controlled effectively. This milestone adds to our revolution of vacuum sewer systems around the world.

In this project we faced a significant challenge in terms of sanitation due to the high concentration of discharge points and a high-water table in the Port of Bilbao. These conditions make the traditional sewerage system inefficient and expensive to implement. This is where Flovac vacuum sewer technology presents itself as a revolutionary solution.

Flovac’ s vacuum sewer system uses the difference in atmospheric pressure to transport waste efficiently and safely. Instead of relying on an underground pipe system, this system uses a smaller diameter pipe network, allowing space constraints to be overcome and the need for deep trenches to be minimized. With a single vacuum point, service can be provided to the entire area of the Port of Bilbao, even along the longest branch of more than 2.5 km.

Flovac Monitoring Systems

In addition, to guaranteeing optimum operation and efficient management of the system, Flovac has integrated its monitoring system. It is an advanced monitoring system that allows you to monitor the status of the vacuum network in real time. With this tool, port authorities will be able to detect any anomaly or blockage, ensuring proactive maintenance and a prompt response to any incident.

Therefore, the choice of Flovac as a supplier for the Bilbao Port sanitation project was based on our experience and proven excellence. The Basque Water Agency and the Bilbao-Vizcaya Water Consortium visited the largest vacuum sanitation facility in Europe, located in Santa Pola. This project has been operational since 2006, to obtain precise and valuable information on the implications both during the construction phase and in long-term maintenance. After this visit, they approved that the vacuum technology chosen was that of Flovacs.

In conclusion, the updated sanitation project for the Port of Bilbao marks an important milestone in the application of vacuum sewerage technologies in Spain. Flovac, as a leader in the sector, has been selected to implement its innovative system in the area of the Santurtzi Docks and central breakwater. We are sure that we will bring an innovative and long-lasting solution while bringing our efficient and sustainable approach to the vacuum sewerage system.

First Flovac Project in Denmark, Hages Badehotel (Beach Hotel)

Flovac’s first project in Denmark is linked wih Denmark’s largest infrastructure project and the world’s longest immersed tunnel. The Fehmarnbelt. The land used for the Hotel and housing project has come from the earth excavated from the tunnel project.

The project is located on the island of Lolland and the tunnel will connect Lolland with the German island of Fehmarn. It was vitally important for the developer Lidsøparken A/S and the architect Miami Ark to create a project that would fit in with the natural beauty of the area, looking after the birdlife and unique plant life. It was decided at an early stage that a vacuum sewerage system would be the only collection system suitable to meet all environmental criteria with low energy use and low impact.

STEEL ApS, who had some previous experience with vacuum systems decided in 2021 to enter a long-term relationship with Flovac, to use Flovac’s vacuum valves and equipment throughout Denmark.

The project’s first stage is a vacuum station and several collection pits servicing a restaurant and 72 houses with 124 apartments. The area is covered with reeds, small lakes with a clay soil and a high ground water table. The second and third stages will include a further 134 holiday houses and a luxury glamping area.

The Hages Badehotel and housing is built on stilts with the idea that this would create the least amount of impact on the land. And that in 100 years the development could be closed and there would be no sign of any impact on the area. This is another reason why a Flovac system was chosen.

Retirement of Founding Partner Willem Gooren

Flovac’s global management team gathered in Greece to congratulate Mr Willem Gooren on his retirement from the business he co-founded in 2005.

Mr Gooren has been involved with vacuum technology since 1981 and established Gooren BV in Holland in 1988. Mr Gooren has designed over 200 systems and has established 15 Flovac offices throughout Europe, the Middle East and Latin America. Mr Gooren is widely considered one of the experts in vacuum technology and was a member of the European committee that developed the first vacuum sewerage standard in the world, EN 1091, the European standard that is now used throughout the Middle East and Asia as well as in Europe.

Willem will still be involved in some ongoing projects in the Middle East as there are very few people with his years of expertise that can assist in some of the more challenging projects that are found there.

We all wish Willem and his wife Rosa and family all of our best wishes and our hearfelt thanks for all of his guidance over the years.

The Largest Vacuum Sewerage System in the Southern Hempisphere

A vibrant masterplanned community is being established 25 minutes drive from Adelaide in South Australia. Lang Walker head of one of Australia’s largest developer’s Walker Corporation opened the new entrance to Adelaide’s newest suburb, Riverlea, last month.

The community will have 12,000 houses, and include three schools, large shopping and commercial centres. The whole area will be serviced by a Flovac vacuum sewerage system. A vacuum system was chosen due to the environmental benefits of installing a sewer system in an area that has a high water table. Less pump station infrastructure means lower power. The shallow pipework operating under a negative pressure means no risk of infiltration nor of any risks of sewage leaking out into the environment. Low Cost Flexibility.

The whole system will have the latest in wireless monitoring at every collection pit.  You can read about the benefits here. This will allow SA Water to reduce their operational costs and risks. Predictive alerts, rain water sensors, pressure sensing and energy use will all be incorporated into the utilities SCADA as well as being fully available to operators and management via a cloud platform.

Vacuum sewer systems are often used in septic to sewer programs for existing towns. But we have also seen a big increase in their use by developers due to their environmental benefits and low cost installation. There is also the benefit of flexibility. For the first part of this project Flovac supplied a deployable vacuum pump station to provide service to the irst 200 houses prior to the main pump station infrastructure being built.

Deployable Vacuum Pump Station for staging of development